Navel gazing


I have become fascinated by my belly button. Ok, maybe 'fascinated' is an overstatement (or maybe I need to do more to fill my days...). Regardless, have you noticed that this is an area that mommy blogs, advice sites and medical professionals don't address? No? Hmmm... maybe I do need to get out more.

Anyway, my point in this is that before pregnancy I had a pretty deep belly button. Now, at 9.5 months pregnant, it's practically disappeared. No outey, no inney, just nothing. I have a zero navel.


Ok, fine. I'll go out and do something. Sheesh. I was just making idle conversation...


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Comments for Navel gazing
Ha. At 25 weeks, mine is half out and half in, which is mighty strange looking, I assure you. Not to mention, it pokes through my shirts. Not terribly attractive.

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