Go to hurk instead of work


Remember this Shel Silverstein poem?
I'd rather play tennis than go to the dentist.
I'd rather play soccer than go to the doctor.
I'd rather play Hurk than go to work.
Hurk? Hurk? What's Hurk?
I don't know, but it MUST be better than work.
Well, tomorrow go to hurk instead of work. December 10 is No Gays For a Day. Call in queer to work - even if you aren't gay - supporters are always welcome!

Today is my first day back at work. Actually, I'm working part time from home to start. My boss has been great about wanting to modify my schedule so I can get as much Bean time as possible. For the rest of the year, I'm working 2 days per week. The nice thing is that the 2 days are really just 16 hours to be completed whenever I have time. If that means working at 3:00 in the morning on a Sunday because that's when I can get to it, then so be it, just as long as everything's done by the following week. It's perfect.

This is all to say that I won't really be calling in gay tomorrow. I will, however, not do any work, not spend any money and get the word out to as many people as possible. If you could do the same, that would be fab. If you can't miss work, I understand. Here are other ways you can help.

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Comments for Go to hurk instead of work
So do MA and CT residents get a pass on this because they are the only 2 cool places left in the country?

p.s. I think the schedule is great but I think somewhere inside Mr. A is crying :-(.

I miss both you guys!

Quite the opposite. Since MA and CT residents have copped a clue they need to lead by example and *really* call in gay!

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