You've probably also gathered that I have an atrocious mouth on me. I can (and do!) swear like a trucker and don't often rein it in. It's just a part of my charm and fuck you if you don't like it.
I had a friend who taught her children that they could only swear if they asked permission. Her thinking was that the kids could know the words, but until they learned when and where those words were appropriate, they needed to ask her first. This was put to the test when her son was getting ready for a school event. She watched from across the gymnatorium as he stubbed the crap out of his toe. Limping, he came over to her and asked if he could please swear. She acquiesced and in a very quiet - yet emphatic - voice he said, "fuck, fuck, fuck." On the other hand, you have the way I was raised. We were taught that there were many more socially acceptable ways of saying something and swearing just meant you were uneducated or at the very least unimaginative.
Which is a perfect segue into my point. We've discussed how to address swearing and raising kids. Since we're still undecided as to which school of thought to follow, I've decided that I need to clean up my potty mouth regardless. I can't very well expect our son not to swear if I'm dropping F-bombs all over the place. As such, I'm going to stop swearing. I'll begin here (where it's easy to edit) and use it as practice for the new year. Maybe as January rolls around, I'll be able to make and keep my very first New Year's resolution. Fuckin' A, man.
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