Open letter to Slime Warner


Dear Time Warner:

Why oh why do you SUCK SO HARD? Why is it that our internet and/or phone and/or cable are always crapping out? I mean, is it really so hard for you to keep your shit together? See, here's the deal. You pretty much have a monopoly on the market (and hey, aren't those illegal, by the way?) and we (foolishly) have everything running through cable. Our high speed internet access, our phone - we have VoIP - and then the cable television itself. The cost is reasonable this way. Since all our family, many friends and all of Nat's work are out of state, the money we save on long distance alone justifies this. Our alternative is to have satellite for the TV, a land line phone - with all those services and long distance service as add-ons, and then DSL. The cost difference is almost 50 bucks per month.

The money I send you each month, Slime Warner, really chaps my ass. On the one hand, I think it's a rip off - especially since you can't provide consistent service. On the other, is the consistency of your competitors really worth that kind of cash? And while we're on the subject of payment, why can't you even get your auto bill pay to work? Does ANYTHING work with y'all???

It's a damn good thing I don't own a gun, because I'd end up going all Elvis on the cable box.




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Comments for Open letter to Slime Warner
I concur wholeheartedly.

me too. we're switching to ATT Uverse next month. it saves us about $100/month.

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