Vote for me!!


I think getting into the top 3 nominated blogs for this award is about as likely as me holding political office, but what the heck? Click on over and nominate this site ( for best Parenting/Wedding lesbian blog. I know you can do it with a clear conscience, because how many lesbian parenting blogs do you really read anyway? You can vote once every 24 hours. Tell your friends to vote, too. It'll be an interesting social experiment, if nothing else!

Voting started yesterday (so we're already behind the 8 ball) and continues until the 9th, so go on, shoo! Get to votin'! Love ya!


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If you picture everything the Catholics say you should be, and then reverse damn near all of it, you'll have a good idea what I'm all about.

I can be loving and a pain in the ass, all in the same breath (it's my special talent). I have strong opinions, but am willing to listen to others. If you want to discuss politics or religion, finance or pop culture, .