OMG! You're such a good debater!


I came across this flow chart of Sarah Plain's performance during Thursday's VP debate. What's hilarious about it (or very, very scary depending on how you look at it), is this is her modus operandi for ALL interviews:

I also have to agree with Chris Matthews' opinion that she presented like she was in a spelling bee.

"M-A-V-E-R-I-C-K. Maverick."

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Comments for OMG! You're such a good debater!
Yeah, it's really scary seeing it all laid out like that - I don't even want to know what it's like in that "adorable" little brain of hers. Like she's talking to five year olds I said to Coolster during the debate - does she not know the difference between the campaign and pre-school?

you know I was wondering if anyone noticed she could only give the answers she had note cards for.

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