Bean and beans don't mix


While I'll admit this whole mom thing is still pretty new, I'd also like to think I'm a fairly quick study. Over the course of these past few months I've learned all kinds of fun things like: make sure the clean diaper is ready right away so we don't all get (ahem) showered; never leave the house without at least one set of nipple pads in place; holding the phone up to Bean so the grandmothers can hear him rarely works (even if he'd been talking a blue streak only moments earlier)... New to the game is the realization we had last night about my diet.

Yesterday's intake included black bean soup for lunch and bean nachos for dinner. Yeah.... COLOSSALLY BAD IDEA. Last night, none of us got sleep as our little guy cried constantly, writhing in pain from his poor gassy belly. Already we've changed three explosive diapers since 3am.

NEW HOUSEHOLD RULE: Beans for Bean is a shitty idea.


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Comments for Bean and beans don't mix
Maybe Bean is trying to tell you cannibilism is just wrong (so a Bean can't eat beans). :)
In all seriousness, keeping a food diary might not be a bad idea to help identify any foods you eat that anger his belly.
Not that you need this to figure out the beans...but there may be other culprits as well.

Just a little Gramma moment:

OMG!!! This is the MOST ADORABLE baby in the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, thank you very much - back to our regularly scheduled progamming....:)

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