

Do I post about Sarah Palin (again) and how Tina Fey perfectly captured her once again? ("Can I call you Joe, 'cause I practiced some zingers calling you Joe..." "Wait - we're not doing the talent segment?"), or do I talk about how I'm still pregnant and oh so ready to not be?

If I go the Palin route, I can mention my sweetie's suggestion. She thinks that replacing "maverick" with "asshat" every time the word is uttered would make for much more entertaining television.

If I go the pregnancy route, then all you get is talk of me wondering how the hell I get this baby out of my belly, which would sound like the anti-Austin Powers.

Either way, it kinda sucks to be you, since you got all the way to this point of the post without getting anything worthwhile. Good thing this was brief.

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Comments for Choices
Apparently this little booger doesn't get that it's favorite aunt is not a patient person. At this rate my trip at Christmas will be perfect timing.

Sing it, sister.

Well, think of it this least your little bean doesn't have to be subjected to "you betcha" fans just yet. Now that's one wise baby! Diana (from Pasadena)!

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If you picture everything the Catholics say you should be, and then reverse damn near all of it, you'll have a good idea what I'm all about.

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