Defining "white privilege"


If you're reading this post, then you probably fall into one of four categories:

  • You've likely decided upon your electoral choice and it's probably Obama.

  • You've stumbled across this blog, or are one of the few people I know who is undecided, and are looking for help in determining your candidate.

  • You're totally lost, and think that I'm somehow a right-wing supporter, so chances are you won't even click the link below to read the author's valid arguments regarding white privilege.

    (If this defines you, how the hell did you end up here? That was one messed up Google search, dude!)

  • You're sick of all the election shit and are just wondering if I'm still pregnant. I am. But you should read the article anyway.

"This is Your Nation on White Privilege" by Tim Wise

(Thanks, Shannon!)

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Comments for Defining "white privilege"
So succinct, so clear...I'm hoping this gets some major play. Everything is already moving in the right direction - but this is shit we need to confront as a country even after Obama is President!

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