Why the hate?


Guess what happens on November 4th? Well, in my world (where I'm Empress and things run very well, thankyouverymuch) we will not only have a new Democratic president, but the state of California will also soundly defeat Prop 8. I was reading a blog this morning that summed up the reasons for defeating it quite eloquently and succinctly:
This is not what America is all about. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, what is more free than letting people marry who they love and what is more brave than accepting someone despite his or her differences? Who I marry doesn't diminish who you marry in any way, shape or form.
(from Dorothy Surrenders)

This election season (like the one 4 years ago) has me a little worried. I mean, if America is content with this complete apathy and hatred, why do I persist in living here? (Aside from the whole "because you don't speak French, stupid" part.) I was reading the Huffington Post last night and saw an article written by Alan Cumming. Alan is why I'm staying. If people like us don't stay, then the rednecked idjits win. Not only that, he's fighting to come in to this country and be part of the solution. Here are a few parts I liked:
Now I understand that election stump speeches are partly about trying to make people feel better/confident/happy/deluded but I am really shocked that a political party in a country that so trumpets its democracy and freedom is offering its voters such a shoddy product, and WORSE, they are still buying it!! (I thank you, my fellow Americans!)

So why? Is loyalty the value that Republicans vaunt above all others? Above common sense? Are the right of America all colluding in a giant version of the Emperor's New Clothes?
I actually have so much sympathy right now for the hundreds of Republicans out there somewhere - well intentioned, well-informed, prepared, lucid for goodness' sake - who must be utterly furious that they were overlooked for the VP post. Imagine being a doctor and thinking you're about to be made a partner in the practice and then the receptionist who's a big fan of Grey's Anatomy gets it over you and we're beginning to understand how those poor people must be feeling.
(from Why Is America So Content With Mediocrity?)

So for now, I wait. I spread the word, I challenge viewpoints, I blog, and I vote. Do you?

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Comments for Why the hate?
Its funny because I was getting ready to type up a blog of my own on this. Now I'm going to have to wait until the bean comes so I dont get accused of stealing your thunder.

Damn you :P

As English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ Amen

Someone for whom I have a boat load of respect and liking and who voted for Bush is voting for Obama - she and a bunch of people in her family (who also voted for Bush). And why has she had this sudden attack of sanity this time around? It's for the same reason I have so much respect for her - she had the courage to ask some questions and to voice her fears because she wanted to get it right this time. She put aside what I might think of her questions and fears and asked away, and this time at least I had some of the answers and truths that would ease her concerns. So several people were taken from McCain to Obama for two simple reasons - she had the courage to ask and I cared enough to answer - no judgement, just understanding. This is what "land of the free and home of the brave" really means. I'm hoping this scenario is being repeated thousands of times all over this beautiful, if previously misguided country of ours.

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