One week (part 2)


It's time. Jumping jacks, long walks, spicy foods - anything. Tomorrow I have an appointment with our midwife to strip my membranes (an event which has me humming "Strip" ad nauseum). If that doesn't get things going, then it's off to the OB for a biophysical profile. Basically, he'll do an ultrasound and determine if an induction needs to be scheduled. This has two downsides. One, insurance only covers about a buck eighty (thanks for nothing!) and two, I don't want to be induced.

Cross your fingers that Bean takes our advice and comes out on its terms, not the doctor's.

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Comments for One week (part 2)
KS and Sweetie-
Sorry you're pop up timer is stuck and Bean doesn't want to greet the world just yet (really, sometimes who can blame him/her?!?!?!) My thoughts, prayers and froufrillion tons of love to you all-
Auntie Jenke

I've heard that sometimes the threat of an induction is enough to get things rollin' for the little beans...just keep saying "shock and awe" out loud ;-)

I still think Bean doesnt want to come out because of Palin's nomination.

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