Palin (boo), gays (yay!) and progress (meh)


You all know about Sarah Palin being investigated for abusing her power as governor, right? If not here's the gist in a nutshell: Palin's sister was fighting for custody with her ex (Mike Wooten), who happened to be a state trooper. I guess since blood's thicker than water, Sarah used her office to put pressure on her former brother-in-law's boss (Walter Monegan) to fire Wooten. But Monegan wasn't playing ball and said the trooper had done nothing wrong. So Palin fired the boss instead.

Take THAT!

Understandably, Monegan is crying foul. Palin is responding, saying his dismissal wasn't for that reason, it was because of a "budgetary dispute." My Aunt Fannie it is.

Anyway, since this is all over the interweb, it's making the McCain camp hurry up and conduct its own investigation - you know, since they're so unbiased an' all. Here's the part you've been waiting for and I know will just be shocked to read:

"The McCain campaign on Thursday issued its own report, written by its staff, stating that the Alaska governor was not guilty of any wrongdoing."

[Sniff, sniff] Smell that? That's the unmistakable aroma of bullshit, right there.


In considerably more uplifting news, Connecticut has just joined Massachusetts and California in legalizing gay marriage. In its ruling, the State Supreme Court said:
"To decide otherwise would require us to apply one set of constitutional principles to gay persons and another to all others. The guarantee of equal protection under the law, and our obligation to uphold that command, forbids us from doing so. In accordance with these state constitutional requirements, same sex couples cannot be denied the freedom to marry."
Welcome to the party, Connecticut. As for the rest of the country, what's taking you so long?

And, if you haven't already decided to do so (and you live in California), then Vote NO on Prop 8. You may or may not agree with gay marriage, but it's not fair to anyone to just take away rights.


Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes I'm still pregnant.

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Comments for Palin (boo), gays (yay!) and progress (meh)
Go Connecticut! Here's hoping the more the McCain Campaign covers up for Palin the more they all look like filthy liars!

I had the "where do you stand on Prop 8" discussion with one of my friends and I literally had to bite my tongue to save our friendship.

It amazes me how many people cannot see that this is an equality issue and only see it as a religious one.

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