A friend asked how many different names we have for Bean. It's funny that she asked, because we have all kinds of nicknames: Smooshie, Doodle, Boo Boo Kiddie, a hundred variations on Bean, and Buddha. The last one may seem the oddest, until you look at an image of a
laughing Buddha. Bean looks
way cuter, but the way he gets his whole face involved in a grin is - like the Buddha - infectious. The kicker is that he will wake up like this. It's a lesson I could stand to learn. I typically wake up thinking that getting up is stupid. Bean, on the other hand, wakes and looks around like the whole world is a joke and he's one of the few people in on it. He's eleven weeks old and he already has the answer to life figured out. I am in constant awe.
I think it's a trick he picked up from his cousin:
(Believe it or not, that little baby turned 8 today. I can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday my sister sent this photo and said it was her laughing pooper face. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISS J!!)
Labels: Bean