Laughing Buddha


A friend asked how many different names we have for Bean. It's funny that she asked, because we have all kinds of nicknames: Smooshie, Doodle, Boo Boo Kiddie, a hundred variations on Bean, and Buddha. The last one may seem the oddest, until you look at an image of a laughing Buddha. Bean looks way cuter, but the way he gets his whole face involved in a grin is - like the Buddha - infectious. The kicker is that he will wake up like this. It's a lesson I could stand to learn. I typically wake up thinking that getting up is stupid. Bean, on the other hand, wakes and looks around like the whole world is a joke and he's one of the few people in on it. He's eleven weeks old and he already has the answer to life figured out. I am in constant awe.

I think it's a trick he picked up from his cousin:

(Believe it or not, that little baby turned 8 today. I can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday my sister sent this photo and said it was her laughing pooper face. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISS J!!)


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Comments for Laughing Buddha
I don't know where the time went. You hear people say it all the time but I am living it. My baby is halfway to driving. My baby, that I remember every detail from her birth, is now 8. She is smart, beautiful, and on a pretty daily basis she makes me crack up. If only I could put her in a bubble to keep her my little p'nut forever. The idea that someday she won't like me makes me so sad. But for today...I am happy. She loves me with all her heart and tells me I am the best mommy ever. Little does she know that I have the best mommy ever but I don't mind her way of thinking!!

Oh the things we learn from our children. They are what makes life worth living.

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