It takes an idiot to raise a village


Whenever there's something hot in the news, I'm at a crossroads: do I follow the story and keep abreast of pop culture, or do I take a contrarian stance and purposely not follow along? Such is my dilemma with Nadya Suleman. The woman is clearly disturbed, and following along isn't too far off from paying a penny to watch the lunatics at Bedlam. However, you'd need to crawl under a rock to not be bombarded with stories about her.

On the one hand, I'm pretty torqued off that I'm paying for her irresponsibility. On the other, my contribution to her litter is like a fart in a windstorm. Her's is a very touchy subject, because it's a slippery slope. Do you have any right tell people how many children they can have (I'm looking at you, Duggar family)? Can you mandate that, before undergoing IVF, she must first have a partner in all of this? Could you withhold financial assistance after X number of children?

And then there's the chain of lunacy: Nadya's clearly off her nut and I don't have the time to go into how crazy she is; her parents are culpable (yes, I can see why and how they wouldn't/couldn't put their child and grandchildren on the street, but I sure as shootin' would be A) filing for custody and B) getting my child some serious therapy if I were them); the doctor who agreed to implant so many embryos; the friend who donated the sperm... It's like a perfect storm.

Nadya is a smaller scale of what our country is going through. She was shortsighted, excessive and had complete disregard for how her actions could affect more than just herself. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Kind of like the mortgage, banking and/or auto industries...

As for me, I don't need 14 children to fill a void in my life. I'm perfectly happy with one:


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If you picture everything the Catholics say you should be, and then reverse damn near all of it, you'll have a good idea what I'm all about.

I can be loving and a pain in the ass, all in the same breath (it's my special talent). I have strong opinions, but am willing to listen to others. If you want to discuss politics or religion, finance or pop culture, .