You'd think we'd learn...


Picture it: a late night and a family getting ready for bed. Mama is brushing her teeth, Mommy is changing the baby's diaper on the bed. Mama finishes brushing just in time to hear, "OOP! Shoot! Quick - grab me a towel!"

The scene in the bedroom looks like this: semi-nude boy child with his nether regions exposed and his Mommy (quite unsuccessfully) trying to catch and hold his pee. Seems someone forgot to A) put Bean down on his changing pad and B) put a fresh diaper underneath. Since it's so late, the mommies briefly consider not changing the sheets. (Oh, hush - it's warm for a moment and it was late! Plus it was a MOMENT.) Before the decision can even be debated, the youngest amongst us decided to decide for us.

By peeing AGAIN. Without a diaper.

We never learn.

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Comments for You'd think we'd learn...
Yup, that's a boy baby for you - had one of those myself and learned the hard way as my pee covered nightie and bathrobe clung to me... but those sheer exhaustion nights saw lapses in memory and J. was only too happy to remind me :)....

Gotta keep a dixie cup on hand during the change. Cap it off and avoid future mishaps.

We have a friend who says you're not a mom until you get baby spew in your's hoping puddles of pee on the bed can serve in it's place. :)

That dixie cup tip is fabulous. Way better than pee-pee teepees!

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