Clearly not following the rules


Yesterday was my first day back at work and Bean was not impressed. I met him and his mommy at the grocery store immediately after work. When he first saw me, his look was all, "Woman, it is about daggone time! This other lady has been trying to foist off these so-called 'nummies' on me all day. I KNOW nummies, and that bottle crap was not. it."

From 7:15 to 8:15 last night he ate three times. Full feedings each time. This from a boy who typically eats roughly 8 times in an entire day. Oof. My boobs are hoping we settle into a less frantic feeding schedule soon.


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Comments for Clearly not following the rules
Thank goodness you come home for lunch, otherwise I think you'd find both of us curled up in a ball sucking our thumbs by the end of the day! :)

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