Pick your daemon


A friend sent me a link to another quiz. This one figures out which daemon you'd have if the His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) books were real life. It's kind of a long-ish quiz, but it's Friday and you don't feel like being at work anyway, right?

According to the quiz, I'm a shy, loving soul and would probably have a rabbit or a dik-dik as a daemon. The 7-year-old in me is giggling at the thought of me with a dik-dik. They are cute, though...

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Comments for Pick your daemon
Um...shy??? Yeah, No. But loving - right on the nose....guess I'll take this quiz too. :)P

I get to have a Saw-Whet Owl or a Marmoset!

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