Weaning a little


Bean's a year old now, which is the time frame I'd always had in my mind for weaning. Add to it that he has 8 teeth and my production has dropped dramatically, and it would seem that nature agrees. He does a great job with solids - opening his mouth like a little bird and trying everything - so I don't think this will pose a problem. I'm just not sure of the exact logistics for doing this successfully. What I *am* sure of is my desire to have my boobs back and to no longer feel like a dairy.

Ode to Weaning
Oh how I miss my old boobies
Due to gravity and the work of Bean's mouth
What once so proudly pointed northward
Alas have begun to head south


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Comments for Weaning a little
Who knew boobies-formerly-known-as-perky could so damn entertaining?!

I'm starting to think about this as well. The little man still loves to nurse as much as ever, but little girl seems to only be interested at certain times. Once they hit a year and get the ok to switch to cow milk, I think I am going to stop pumping but continue offering to nurse when I am home and see how it goes. I have very mixed feelings about it..it is bittersweet.

The gentle weaning technique is don't offer and don't refuse. And then add, "distract" to that. Worked with Lilly, though I'll admit it took a long time :) But still... by 14 months we were down to 2-3 nursings a day.

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