Didja think I'd popped?


Sorry to disappoint... Still pregnant. We went to get an ultrasound this morning. Everything looks just fine and the doctor wasn't all "ohmygod - we need to induce!" which was nice. So the game plan is this: take it easy this weekend, relax and go to my happy place. If nothing happens, then on Monday our midwife will break my water and I'll even try (shuddder) castor oil. Since castor oil basically amounts to me shitting this child into the world, let's all cross our fingers that something happens of its own accord this weekend, m-kay?


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Comments for Didja think I'd popped?
We missed you at the going away! I'm sure Bean wouldn't have minded you going out and having a good time with your coworkers.

Castor oil?!?!? EWWWWWW

Goodness, you ladies could've taken a little vacation to Hawaii and still had time to come back in time for the big event! Suzanna and I have both lost some serious $$ on the due date betting we made with each other. C'mon now...we want to go shopping for a gift already!

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