Putting the "born" in stubborn


Whilst still in utero, Bean is proving to be part of the family. My family has been extraordinarily bull-headed for at least five generations. Seeing as it's now 11 days past my due date, Bean is showing himself/herself to be one of us. This is after at least 3 days at 80% effacement, a +1 station, 2-3 cm dilated, after membrane stripping, after acupuncture (which supposedly has success rates so high they're lucky to even get to the hospital in time after a treatment)... Notice a pattern here? Bean's so stubborn that Slime Warner won the race - who'd a thunk it?? (As of this morning, email's back, so I guess I should be thankful on at least one front!)

Looks like a few loooooong walks and maybe even this stupid salad are up for today.

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Comments for Putting the "born" in stubborn
I got it right! :P

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