Civic duty


I voted today

... and it wore me out.

Actually, our voting today was a breeze. Since the last election, our polling place has changed. (For the last election, it was in the dining room of a retirement community. It cracked me up to hear some old, white guy say, "Who'd you vote for? I voted for the black fella. You know, black power!" Good times.) Though we could walk to the old place, this new polling location had a parking spot right in front and we only had to wait 10-15 minutes in line. With the news coverage talking about 4 and 5 hour waits, I was a little nervous, but nothing was keeping me from doing what I had to do.

In all seriousness, if you haven't already, please vote today. Nothing is a foregone conclusion and your vote matters. Even if you don't feel your individual ballot will make a difference, then vote because people have fought and died for your right to do so. Vote because it makes a point. Vote because it will make you feel better. Vote because you're sick and tired of the state of our country. Vote because it's patriotic. Hell, vote because there's a chance you'll meet a hottie in the lines. Whatever your motivation, get out and vote.

[p.s. to Auntie Moi: Bean is wearing the outfit you gave him - the little footies are so damn cute!!]

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Comments for Civic duty
Don't tell anyone but I voted twice. It certainly does give one pause for thought.....

If you or anyone you know are unsure of where to vote, go to to find your polling place. If you experience any issues when voting (being told you're not on the list, not being given the option of a provisional ballot, etc.) call 1-866-OUR-VOTE for assistance. Complacency is our worst enemy right now...get out there and do it!!
(P.S. Isn't Bean the cutest voter ever??)

That is one adorable voter- I'd certainly vote for him if he was running for P!!! Nice togs-
Love the frous

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