A day of firsts


Ok, I know he's brand new, so pretty much every day is a day of firsts. Just hush it. Nobody's making you read this.

Anyway, today Bean had his first bath. It was a successful endeavor and now he looks even cuter than ever. He also had his first visit to the pediatrician. After four days, he's only down 5 ounces. Way to go, Chunka Munka! The last first of the day involved Bean, his Mommy and an overly full diaper. Suffice it to say, Nat is going to be washing those jeans she was wearing...

(p.s. This is a super-short post to make up for yesterday's tome - I figured I'd balance it for you. You're welcome.)


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Comments for A day of firsts
I can't wait to meet this kid. He sounds very advanced for his age.

Awwww. Lots of firsts to come!!

And still no pics? Sheesh. You don't want your blog to start looking like those old text games from 1992 like "Zork," do you?

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