Yeah, it's like that


I had to call the OB to schedule an appointment for a biophysical profile. Basically, they just want to make sure there's still enough water in the pool for Bean. I've been to the office a few times and they're nice, but certainly not overly-effusive. My call to schedule the appointment was all the funnier as a result.

Doctor's office.

Hi, I need to schedule a biophysical profile.

Have you been in before?



Seeta. S-E-E-T-A

(keyboard clicking in background)

STILL??!?!?! Ohhh, honey!! How are you??

So even the receptionist is feeling me at this point. I don't know whether to be bolstered by the what? camaraderie? or depressed that near perfect strangers are pitying me.

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Comments for Yeah, it's like that
If it's any consolation to you, I was telling my mom about your plight this morning, and she was all "Maaaaaan, do I know how THAT feels."

Apparently my brothers and I were all of us at least 2 1/2 weeks late. Brother Ross was nearly a whole month (due Feb 14, born Mar 8) before he decided to make his appearance (a lazy procrastinator from the very beginning).

I gotta say - thats pretty damn hilarious.

Kostas asked about you yesterday and I'm like - um yeah, still pregant and he had a very similar reaction (as did Jake btw) You don't even know all the questions I'm fielding on your behalf at work. Oh wait you do...I just sent you an email about all that :P

Oh that Bean the hilarity that is ensuing already.

All the more reason I think it's a girl. There are very few women in this family that do what they are told when they are told to do it.

Hey, no post in two days. Is no news good news?

I found it! I found it!

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