I am NOT a second class citizen


By now you've heard about Prop 8 and its outcome. While the passage of it saddens me almost beyond compare, the aftermath's galvanizing effects hearten me. I know I live in a very liberal city and in a very gay neighborhood within. The day-to-day of this existence means I am often taken aback at the outright hatred perfect strangers spew at me via ridiculous ballot measures, legislation and politics in general. Proposition 8, however, seems to be a little different. From the anti-prop 8 rallies all over the state (and beyond), to national TV personalities taking a stand, it's nice to see people getting good and pissed about this. Keith Olbermann made a 6-minute speech tonight about Prop 8 that simultaneously made me want to cry and to hunt him down and plant a big, slobbery kiss on his mug. I know this is sort of long, but seriously, take a look (or you can read it here).

To my mind, this is a case of rights gone wrong and the continuation of painting us as lesser citizens, and it makes me want to scream. My thoughts can be summed up best by a sign seen at one of the rallies:

Do I get to vote on your marriage?

I mean, if you're going to legislate me to death, can I please return the favor?

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Comments for I am NOT a second class citizen
You, Nat, and Bean wanna join Jake and I at the protest rally at City Hall Saturday morning?

Olbermann can be such a blowhard most of the time, but I was really touched by that special comment. I hope he reached people, and perhaps changed some minds.

by odd coincidence, the "word verification" gibberish i have to type in to post this is



I just read this:

which is very hopeful news!

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