Why I skipped church today


First of all, I'd rather worship at the Sisters of Saint Sealy on Sundays. Having said that, here's one tiny reason why. A priest in South Carolina is telling his parishioners not to take communion if they voted for Obama. But wait! The reason why is even better! It's because Barack "Who's Sane" Obama supports abortion and and having voted for him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil." So church goers beware - your MORTAL SOUL MAY BE IN DANGER if you voted the wrong way.

I could probably make this stuff up, but why waste the brain power when the Catholics do it for me?


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Comments for Why I skipped church today
Which begs the question "How does he know how you voted?"

man, i'm going to hell for so MANY different reasons...

I'll save you a seat!

Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch I know many devout Catholics who were for Obama and I have to point out that largely Catholic Boston was the first to legalize Marriage for all.

Some people will abuse any platform they are allowed to stand on

Is Mr. High-and-Mighty-Priest by chance a bit more frightened of Obama than of past Democrats, or did he make the same declaration to Clinton, Gore, and Kerry voters? (Maybe voting for Gore only put half my soul up for auction to the devil??) Wake up Catholic Church - 1) you're the most goddess oriented mainstream religion still around and 2) change and diversity = a thriving existence, stagnant minds and homogeny = Monsanto...er, a slow and painful death...okay, yeah, same thing.

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