Sensory Bean


We've taken loads of photos of Bean, none of which capture what he's like. To try and describe him, I've decided to break it down by the senses.

According to Mom (and I have to agree), he looks kind of like a cross between Winston Churchill and the Gerber baby... but cuter. It all depends on the angle and what he's doing. Pooping or pondering = Churchill. Cooing and smiling = Gerber baby.

He's a grunty little bugger. Especially when he's being held he sounds rather piglet-ish. It's very endearing and makes for interesting phone calls. The other day, I was on the phone with Radio Shack and the employee heard Bean grunting away. The employee said to me, "You sound, um.... tired." I thought it was hilarious not only that he thought it was me grunting but that "tired" was the most polite term he could come up with. Sort of "Hey, it sounds like you're taking a dump - just a heads up that I can hear you."

Is there anything like the smell of a baby's head? It's warm and sweet. Unlike the smell of a baby's neck creases which smell like sour milk and trapped fuzzy bits.

Bean's skin is so soft (no shit, right?) and I can make both of us fall asleep by rubbing his little back. He's like my woobie.

Um. I may have painted myself into a corner here. Taste. Hmm. Well, I can tell you that Nat has determined that the best place to give Bean kisses is on the bridge of his nose. It's safe - no spit up remnants or weird baby byproducts to encounter.

To truly appreciate all that is Bean, you have to meet him. He's pretty awesome.


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Comments for Sensory Bean
That's one of the best descriptions of baby yumminess I've ever heard :)

And I snorted at the thought of the guy thinking you were grunting in the background!

I predict that his "gruntiness" will evolve into a highly communicative male who has no trouble expressing his feelings. He will go down in history as the first male to accomplish this. Of course, I may be biased.

Is he on public view yet?

Aw, so sweet!

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