No, YOU smell it!


"He had a blow out."

"Again? He just pooped ten minutes ago!"

"Well, then what's that spot on his pants?"

"I dunno - is it poop juice? Here - smell it."

If you can go through this scenario AND you actually smell the spot, then you've officially passed the parent test. A world of wonder and excrement are in store for you.

(Yeah, I smelled it. It was poop juice.)

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Comments for No, YOU smell it!
Heh...just wait til the juice becomes more substantive and he smears it all over EVERYTHING. Good times.

Just found your blog -- fun reading. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I've smelled many a putative poop spot. It gave us a whole new meaning for "filling up and spilling over."

Later, the poopies firmed up a bit, so less leakage. But then we got the infamous (for us) Teething Poopy.

Wonder why our non-infant-parenting friends and relatives never want to talk to us anymore? Don't they find defecation as fascinating as we do?

The things parents do, huh? I never imagined that I would smell poop juice and, yet, I have too.

We do spend an inordinate amount of time in the discussion and dissection of Bean's bodily functions. Never would I have guessed that such a large portion of my life would be spent talking, smelling, cleaning and blogging about poo.

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