The video babysitter


Baby Einstein, Barney, Blues Clues... these all scare me (that image of Michael Jackson in a Barney suit pretty much sums up my oog fator). Plunking my kid down in front of the TV is one thing. Rationalizing it as educational always seemed a stretch. Especially when babies are, well, babies. Does your baby really gain anything from watching insipid programming, or is it more for a momentary respite for you? I mean, let's call it for what it is. You don't *really* think that your baby is learning from a giant, purple dinosaur, do you?

Now there is a study that proves what I always suspected. In fact, the researcher's exact words were that so-called educational DVDs are "just wasted time." Don't get me wrong, I know that you'd feel better sitting the baby down in front of Baby Einstein over porn or UFC, just so you could grab 10 minutes for yourself. But for my money, the best education you can give your baby comes from interacting with him. Throw down a woobie, grab some toys and play with your kid. Sure, it may be at the expense of you showering, but he doesn't care if your hair looks like gods revenge. He just wants time with Mama.


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Comments for The video babysitter
I was already afraid of Barney...but that picture is terrifying!!

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