Carwash and burgers


You know what, Sarah's right. It is hard to wash your car while eating a burger...

p.s. Those commercials have always grossed me out.


Still popular!


I heard this piece from BBC World Service on the way in to work. It summarizes Obama's first 100 days in 100 seconds. Look at all that has come his way in less than 3.5 months. And to think, I consider it a huge accomplishment if I just get to work on time...

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Wait... that's how you do it?


Wow, we went about making a baby all wrong.

This clever bit of entertainment was brought to you by Cassidy Curtis and Raquel Coelho. (And to think, we just did the week-by-week shots against a wall. This is way more fun!)


Tenacious *and* awesome


Have you seen Will Ferrell doing Bush in "You're Welcome America?" No matter. This ad for it sums up why I love him (Will, that is).

After watching this, I've decided that "tenawesome" is a very handy word. To wit: I have tenawesome friends. Bean is tenawesome. And you are tenawesome for reading this blog.


Ways to pass time


We call this series "Crap on Bean's Head Because A) It's Funny and B) Mommy is (Really) Easily Amused."

The upshot is the mouse ears that Nona bought at Christmas are getting use!


Recap: Month 6


Hi, remember me? The one who is supposed to man this ship and actually post stuff? Turns out these things don't write themselves, so I thought I'd actually dust off the keyboard and get y'all up to speed.

Today marks Bean's big half year mark. Six months and we've managed to keep some semblance of sanity - woo! Not only that, but it seems we're doing a decent job. At his six-month check-up, the doctor confirmed that he's in the 50th percentile - for a 9-month-old. Yup, we grow 'em big here.

In the past month Bean has finessed the art of rolling over rapidly. Good for motor development, bad for leaving him in bed alone. Nap time is now accompanied by a mountain of pillows. He's also vocalizing like crazy and it's hi-freaking-larious to watch. Big facial expressions accompanied by a barrage of sounds. So cute. And he knows it, too. To celebrate, he claps and waits until we join in with the applause. Though the talk is meaningless, he does know how to use sign to communicate. So far, he's got "all done," "milk," and "more" in his arsenal. You have to watch closely, though, lest "milk" be signed very near bare skin and you get raked by 5 tiny daggers. Given his size, you can tell that "milk" is one of his faves.

He's been eating a lot, which makes me eat like a pig. (Thanks for that, Bean.) We've decided that we're going to have to put him to work before he eats us out of house and home:

Best to get started early.

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Pay attention, Schwarzenegger


Vermont has it now, too. The state Senate overrode the governor's gay marriage veto 23-5 and the House voted 100-49. Seems a pretty large margin - and this without needing to make it a judicial measure.

The California Supreme Court decision on Prop 8 will be coming down soon. Fingers crossed.


Written communikashun


I blame spell check. If a word passes through spell check's filter, it must be fine, right? WRONG. Re-read what you're written especially if you're about to send an email to the whole company. Take this to heart even more so if you print something. (I once worked at ExecuTrain where we received a written thank you note to all the "Executrix" trainers. It made us giggle for days.)

Before hitting send, remember this:

  • Advice/Advise - The former is the noun; the latter the verb. If you are giving advice, then you are advising.

  • Intact/In tack - You mean the first one. Yes, you do. Unless, of course, you actually *are* referring to something inside a small nail or push pin...

And if you're unsure on the your/you're or there/their usage, I suggest a quick review.

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Iowa?! Really??


Oh, come on, California! Freaking IOWA is now allowing same-sex marriage. Iowa. As in, the Midwest. And California tries to have this reputation for being progressive. Newsflash, if Iowa is repealing the ban then they have lapped us. We should be so ashamed...

To those of you in Iowa, my sincere congratulations. It's about time the Midwest offers something! ;)


© 2007 - 2009 Irreverent Mother | Layout by Gecko & Fly.
Steal anything from this site and you'll be sent to your room without dinner.


If you picture everything the Catholics say you should be, and then reverse damn near all of it, you'll have a good idea what I'm all about.

I can be loving and a pain in the ass, all in the same breath (it's my special talent). I have strong opinions, but am willing to listen to others. If you want to discuss politics or religion, finance or pop culture, .